Deployment services
Deployment services is a set of activities that are present at each step of IT solution implementation process in company. When planning the deployment, it is recommended to take into consideration at least each of services shortly described below. Our deployment team is ready to cooperate with customer and support him with expertise to adapt organisation requirements to our software solutions.
Analysis & Design
Any software deployment begins with a phase identification of customer needs and attempting to answer the question how the given system can meet all the gathered requirements. Our team of experts performs the analysis and proposes the solution selecting an appropriate configuration of our products. As a result, a project outline is drawn up in which a list of software chosen and additional implementation works needed is explicitly stipulated. Using the QGIS high configuration flexibility, we place a strong emphasis in order that the largest possible number of requirements is implemented through the configuration of this system. In clearly justified cases we offer independent modules and add-ons that modify or supplement the existing functionalities of the systems.

Configuration & Customization
Based on the set of gathered needs the deployment team configures the whole solution. In case the configuration is insufficient to meet the specific requirements of the customer, modifications of functionalities are performed or dedicated features of the system added. The configuration and implementation works are supported by the software quality assurance process that involves testing parallelly to the software customization and configuration. Created solution is integrated with other IT systems in the next step and the customer data is migrated to the database. The final tests carried out on real data with integration elements finalise the process of technical deployment providing a stable solution ready for production launch.
The solutions proposed by Softelnet have extensive capabilities of integration with other IT systems regardless of whether the software works in the cloud or is installed on the customer’s premises. Client-server architecture allows the use of many proven integration technologies both at the application level as well as on database level. Integration mechanisms can be further protected by standard communication protocols. By using our long experience in working as an integrator of IT systems we are able to propose and implement the integration of our solution with a running customer’s systems.

Data migration
Frequently, installations of new inventory software are accompanied by migration of existing data to the system being launched. Regardless of the number of source systems, the range and complexity of links between the data, it is necessary to develop suitable procedure for data extraction, transformation and loading. An additional aspect to be considered when the system is run on the migrated data, is their synchronisation between the new software and existing legacy systems. Our deployment team is ready to migrate data as soon as the configuration of the new software will be completed. In accordance with the developed migration and synchronisation procedure data will be loaded into the new system, and afterwards tests on these data will be performed checking for their consistency and accuracy. In the final stage the data synchronisation mechanisms between systems is launched.